one day bowja was just walkin down the street cuz he was from his CAAASHLE
and then MEEERIO was like hey booowja why arent you in my caaaaaashle
and luigi was like "yeah" but nobody cared because Mario ATE THE MUSHROOM AND SAVED THE PRINCESS but she was in another castle AND BOOOOOOOOWJA was in a castle but it wasnt really browser and bowjaaaaa was from his caaashle then meerio went in his cashle and DIEEED and came back and DIEEED and then came back and bowser was there so he got the thing and boowja DIEEED PRINCESS PRINCESS [inaudible] BUT IT WASNT THE PRINCESS SO HE WENT TO ANOTHER CASHLE BUT IT STILL WASNT BOWJA AND IT STILL WASNT THE PRINCESS AND NOBODY EVER FOUND HER